Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How do Butt implants work?

Butt implants are performed by a board certified plastic surgeon while you’re under general anesthesia. During the surgery, implants are placed in your butt to add lift and perkiness. Some implants are placed on top of the butt muscles, under the layer of skin and fat; others are placed between butt muscles, a trickier process that helps hold implants in place for longer to prevent sagging. Today, implants are made from solid silicone, rather the gel silicone implants that became notorious for rupturing and leaking silicone into the body.

It’s a long process. After receiving a butt implant, patients are advised not to actually sit on their new booty for 2-4 weeks–long enough to allow their body to heal and swelling to dissipate. Sometimes drainage tubes and special dressings are required to make sure fluid doesn’t accumulate around the implants. If there aren’t any complications, those who get butt implants can usually go back to normal work and physical activity 6 weeks after the surgery.


As with any surgery, butt implants surgery comes with a risk of bacterial infection. And because you’re placing a foreign substance into your body, you risk having negative reactions to the implants themselves, though today’s silicone implants and water-based implants are considered very safe. There’s also always the risk that you won’t be happy with results, and sometimes implants shift over time, resulting in an asymmetrical look that leaves people wishing they had their pre-surgery booty back.


If butt implants don’t sound like your cup of tea, there are definitely other options. Don’t underestimate the power of working out. Whether you’re active or not, you can add cardio and strength exercises that target your butt; in just a few weeks, you could see a stunning difference.